Sprouts our first devotional project! “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how." Mark 4:26-28
A book of meditations on faith and transformation by writers and artists and poets. Edited by Polly Alice McCann and Ashley Anderson, this beautiful book will feature the art of Tamela Wagner and the poetry of Catharine Phillips and author Brianne Turczynski. Thirty artists, writers, and poets share their creativity and hope with you in a 31 day devotional. Tamala writes about her faith journey, "I relate with flowers because they grow through adversity. A flower sprouts through darkness and grows towards the light. I often use black as a way to express that beauty can stem from darkness, and darkness can lead to something beautiful."
Featuring Ashley Anderson, Colleen Bauman, Bailey Carrick, Judy Drissey, Chris De Man, Penny Fairman, Alice Hixson, Tori Grant Welhouse, Lewis Henry, Laura Hogan, Cynthia Huling Hummel, Kelly Key, Delaney Kochan, Teresa Lara, Henry Lewis, LeAnne Litka,
Betsy Melchers, Julia Otterness, Catharine Phillips, Carol Pike, Tamra Plotnick, Janet Rives, Brianne Turczynski, Abbey Von Gohren,
Linda Vonderschmidt-LaStella, Jane Spriggs, Tamela Wagner, Lindsey Weishar, Fran Westwood, Danielle Williams, Suzanne Young.