First flying ketchup kids: A new season of classes and Workshops begins Thursday January 19th, 6:30 to 8 PM online CDT.
Find out about the craft of picture book writing and explore techniques on how to create a unique story with exciting characters that are personal to you. Lead by your fearless author and editor, Nina B. Nina B. is the children’s book imprint Editor and Audiobook Producer for Flying Ketchup Press and producer of The Story Tree (, a podcast for kids. We have also opened some exciting opportunities for people who write for children and young adults. Submissions for poetry end Feb. 15th and short fiction end March 1st. We are only accepting 50 submissions so send your work as early as you like!

At flying ketchup kids, our mission is to produce books with a brilliant new spin on learning and reading, a fantastical twist in story, and characters who light up our imaginations. From concept books to folk traditions, we want to connect diverse writers to young audiences.
***To submit picture book querries, please send your proposal, illustration samples, and picture book manuscript to attn: Nina Bricko. All proposals should have author bio and website, comps, summary, and query letter.
Next Poets & Editors: A new year means we are looking for our annual poet/editor in residence. Submit today to be a part of our team and have your poetry book published!

Next Anthologies: A new year Submit your writing or art to be published.
Call for poets, writers, and artists for our annual anthologies in 2024. Our annual anthology contests are open for short fiction and poetry!! We only have two contests this year and then end in a few weeks! Click to read more about these exciting opportunities to connect with other authors, get published, and prizes this time! (We also have a few opportunities for solo author collections of literary short fiction or mystery. Click here.)
Upcoming Classes & Events!

Live Reading, Come meet the poets and authors from our newest anthology!
Ketchupedia: Resources for Writers
We are restarting our writers' meet-up group for networking, critique, and creative idea mapping. We will start Wednesday the 25th at Renegade Coffe House. Details will be updated on our Eventbrite and FB pages. please email or message if you are interested!

Flying Ketchup Press ® founded in 2018 to champion new and diverse voices in short fiction and poetry. Our dream is to share worlds of wonder and delight.
