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Dreams Come True, Tales from the Dream Zone

Writer's picture: Polly Alice McCannPolly Alice McCann

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

Tales from the Dream Zone our second short story collection releases August 24th, 2020 on Amazon and Kindle .

softcover ISBN-13: 978-1-970151-12-1

epub ISBN: SBN: 978-1-970151-25-1

The Dream Zone began in 2018 when we first put out our first call for short story writers. We wanted to create "a collection of weird and wonderful stories that take place inspired by remembered or imagined dreams," and you answered. Here is the story of what happened. We hope you'll follow these authors and support the amazing work they bring into the world. The world needs a good story. Short stories make life seem full of possibilities and magic and love. They entertain and satisfy. They are meant to make readers think and wonder about the character’s decisions, reactions, and world view. Short stories are great morning, evening and night, and any time in between-- and often they become a lifelong friend traveling with you along life’s journey.

New voices in contemporary short fiction reveal fourteen stories of mystery and redemption.Fly away to remembered dreams, twists of fate, ghostly apparitions, or far off moons, sift through the grains of the sandman’s dreamscape. Who can tell what you will find in the dark? Travel to another lifetime in fantastical or remembered dreams, but will you come home again? A mind-bending second collection of award-winning short stories from fourteen new voices in international short fiction through Flying Ketchup Press ® "The Dream Keeper" by Leah Kuntz, "Barely Human" by Patrik Borosky, "The Vice Versa" by Angelique Fawns, "Sunday Afternoon Cocktails" by Ashley Memory, "Godflash" by Anne-Marie Yerks, "Little Moons" by Jacqueline Kenny, "One of Us" by Con Chapman, "In the Editing Room" by Masha Kamenetskaya, "Wishes" by Sandra Gould Ford, "Tethered" by Jeremy Schnee, "Dream Connections" by Alice G. Waldert, "Light of my Afterlife" by A.A. Rubin, "Mist at Twilight" by Brian Burt and Tangled Tale by Kēvin Callahan.

Edited and Illustrated by POLLY ALICE MCCANN founder and Managing Editor Flying Ketchup Press "curates" galleries of talent inside small sharable packages. She says her favorite thing is to tell stories-- other people's, her own-- maybe yours. Polly graduated with an MFA from Hamline University. She credits much of her creative work in art and poetry to her research in the subconscious creative process which won her the 2014 Ernest Hartmann award from the International Association for the Study of Dreams from Berkeley, CA on self-awareness for writers through dreamwork. Her art has been published in US newspapers and magazines and is showing internationally. She thinks short stories are a way for writers to catch up and find a wider audience. Find your new fave author today. Visit her at

In the Editing Room by Masha Kamenetskaya Beatrice is a film editor for a production company in Budapest where she lives with her husband and two teenage children. Somehow she senses her life falling into fragments like clips on the editing room floor. Her sense of time and reality become distorted until she doesn't even recognize her life anymore or the people in it. Not knowing what is real or true, she begins to wonder how she lost herself, and will she find a way back to a whole self and peace instead of pieces?

Masha Kamenetskaya is a writer, editor, and journalist, originally

from St. Petersburg (Russia) but currently living in Budapest

(Hungary). She writes both in Russian and English and co-edits a literary magazine,

Light of my Afterlife by A.A. Rubin Lara, a ghost bound to a hospital room, longs for the days when the rooms had been lit by candles. The modern, fluorescent hospital lighting does not provide enough shadows for a ghost to be seen. She died because the doctor didn't come into see her in time and it's been too long. She's had it. This time she will get the doctor to see her, no matter what it takes. What does she have to lose?

A. A. Rubin lurks in the shadows, for it is there that magic can still be found. You may have thought you saw him in the back of the bar or going into the subway station, but when you looked back, he was gone. His work has appeared recently in journals including Kyanite Press, Pif Magazine, and Constellate Literary Journal. His story "The Substance in The Shadow" has been named a Fiction War finalist, and his story, "White Collar Blues" was nominated for the Carve Magazine/Mild Horse Press online short fiction award. Mr. Rubin holds a BA in Writing/Literature from Columbia University and an MA in Teaching of English from Teachers College Columbia University. He can be reached on Twitter and Facebook @thesurrealari

The Dream Keeper by Leah Kuntz Diana visits the nightmare world that exists concurrently to ours in order to rescue her best friend. Every person has a Ba or a "Dark Place," even you, and it is in this personal slice of misery that you are most vulnerable. The only problem: Diana may not know which is the dark place and which is her actual life.

Leah Kuntz is a senior creative writing student at Miami University, graduating in May 2019. During her time at Miami, she has received the Montaine Writing Award and the Greer-Hepburn Prize in Fiction for her work. She finds time to write both inside and outside the classroom but ultimately would like to finish her novel. Her short fiction can also be found/is upcoming in Happy Captive Magazine and Garfield Lake Review. Leah is interested in classical ballet, fiction with strong female leads, and finding the world’s best French toast.

The Versa Vice by Angelique Fawns

Was college Freshman, Sherri, in love with Indira or was she her arch enemy. The psychology class experiment seemed to point out that they were the best dreamers, or was Sherri the best dreamer of all?

Angelique Fawns is a journalist who began her career writing about naked cave dwellers in Tenerife and parasailing in Australia. With a full-time job creating commercials for Global TV in Toronto; and living on a farm with her husband, daughter, cows, horses, fainting goats, and an attack llama; finding time to write is a challenge. Thank goodness for the local pub! She grabs her laptop and escapes there to type stories on weekends and after hours. You can find her fiction in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, The Gateway Review: A Journal of Magical Realism, and World Writer's Collective. Other samples of her work are at & give her a shout @Raingirl51

SANDRA GOULD FORD is an author, educator, and former steelworker who presents arts experiences to encourage, refresh, enrich creative thinking, and inspire. She is an active member of the Author’s Guild and Science Fiction Writers of America. Sandra established a writing program at a mega-jail, co-produced two, major writers conferences, and published an international literary journal. Roger Rosenblatt's four reasons for writing explain why Sandra perseveres with her creative writing, which is: To make suffering endurable, evil intelligible, justice desirable, and love possible. Her other influence is Dr. John E. Flaherty who wrote, "Every great work of literature illuminates the human condition, fuels thinking on timeless questions, and stimulates the imagination." Sandra's work can be found and activities followed at Work on “Wishes” was supported by a grant from Advancing Black Pittsburgh, a partnership of The Heinz Endowments and The Pittsburgh Foundation.

Wishes There's no such thing as a coin that grants wishes. Estelle knows this in the bottom of her heart. When she punches in her time card at work on a rainy Halloween, some frightening things make her reconsider what she knows about her future and her past.

Tethered by Jeremy Schnee Sally hasn't slept for five years, since her son Adam was born. A child with an unusual gift, he flies in his sleep. Sally has another problem, she's been living with a man who may not have the best intentions for either of them. If only she could fly to safety. But where would someone like her be able to follow her dreams?

Jeremy Schnee lives in Portland, Oregon. His writing has been published in Goldman Review, Flapperhouse, and New Plains Review. Aside from writing, he likes to garden, practice martial arts, and spend time with his family. For more about his writing, please visit

Sunday Afternoon Cocktails by Ashley Memory Shy newlywed, Christina promises to drive to her husband's work party ahead of him with her best casserole dish in hand; despite the worrying nightmare from the night before. Surprised by a tiny house full of bombastic strangers, she becomes increasingly unsettled at their random comments seem to become a mad hatter tea party with her at the center of their dark humor she cannot begin to grasp.

Ashley Memory draws her inspiration from the ancient Uwharries of Randolph County, North Carolina, where she lives with her sculptor husband, Johnpaul Harris. When she’s not musing on a metaphor, she’s brewing raspberry jam or poking around an abandoned cemetery imagining the lives of the people sleeping underneath her feet. Such adventures feed her imagination and fuel her writing. Her poetry and prose have recently appeared in Ginger Collect, Okay Donkey, The Disappointed Housewife, and Coffin Bell. New poems are forthcoming in Turnpike, The Phoenix, and The Red Clay Review. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, she’s a two-time recipient of the Doris Betts Fiction Prize, and her essay “Eulogy of a Northern Red Oak” was named runner-up in the 2019 Rose Post Nonfiction Prize. For more, check out her fruit-inspired blog, Cherries and Chekhov, at

One of Us by Con Chapman Rachel was, without a doubt, the most popular woman on campus. So many of the women were drones, the men horny, that it left her a fairly broad canvas on which to paint her personality. Her hot boyfriend was in a band and she had everything she ever wanted until she lets two acquaintances come over after a party to talk about dreams and astral travel.

CON CHAPMAN is a Boston-area writer whose work has appeared in The Atlantic, The Christian Science Monitor, The Boston Globe, and various literary magazines. Writing is not his full-time job, so has to find time as best I can at the beginning or the end of the day and hope that the muse can find him (assuming he’s awake in the morning, and not too tired at night). Readers can find his work on his author page (, or follow his blog, Gerbil News Network He blogs daily at Gerbil News Network, named after his book on the 1978 Red Sox-Yankees pennant race "The Year of the Gerbil." ("Gerbil" was the nickname given to Don Zimmer, the Red Sox manager, by pitcher Bill "Spaceman" Lee.) Gerbil News Network features his fake news, parodies, first-person humor, and extremely bad poetry. An empty-nester with two grown sons, he lives in the suburbs of Boston with his wife Laura and their pet Komodo dragon, Fritzy.(https://conchapman.word

Godflash by Anne-Marie Yerks LeShey lives in a futuristic world where she can have anything she wants. All her memories are stored online, food grows in her aquaponics bay and her smart-house is a dream. Even her cat can be brought back to life by genetic cloning, she's not sure about how it works. Her only problem throwing a birthday party...or maybe the problem is her attachment to this life of fantasy.

Anne-Marie Yerks is a fiction writer, essayist, and digital journalist from the Metropolitan Detroit area. After earning an MFA from George Mason University, she wrote three books about the internet and contributed to magazines, journals, and websites while working full-time as a multimedia designer. She has been teaching all forms of writing, creative and professional, for over twenty years. Her novel "Dream Junkies" was published by New Rivers Press in 2016, and she continues to publish short stories and articles regularly. Her work has appeared in "Good Housekeeping," "Redbook," "Marie Claire," and in literary journals like "Juked" and "Streetlight." She loves attending writing conferences and traveling to literary destinations. Find her on Twitter @amy1620. Anne-Marie is represented by Vicki Marsdon of High Spot Literary

Little Moons by Jackie Kenny In a far off world, two young girls on a small island hunt for the little blue, shining moons that fall from the sky near their hometown beach. The girls are still young enough to believe the old tale that burying a whole uncracked moonstone in the yard of someone you love means they will be with you for life. Is it the moons, or the cute boy next door, James, which begins to test their belief in childish ideas and the onset of new dreams that test their definition of love.

Jackie Kenny graduated from the University of North Carolina with a degree in English and minors in Creative Writing and Comparative Literature. Her passion for ethical food-systems has led her to work in some amazing places in the past two years: a raw milk goat farm in Washington State, a 214-acre biodynamic farm in California, a small Hawaiian coffee farm built on volcanic soils, and an Alaskan homestead supported by its eco-kayaking tours. She’s currently working on an organic vineyard in Tuscany and learning the ins-and-outs of winemaking, pizza eating, and building daily fires in a finicky wood stove. Her writing is inspired by the natural world and farming communities; she’s fascinated by the powerful, complex interconnections between all living things. She writes to explore the different types of consciousness, love, and wonder that can be found in most unexpected places. When she experiences writer’s block, she often asks people what they love most and their answers—the sea, fireflies, snowstorms, ivy growing on tall buildings—help get her a little less unstuck. You can find more of her work online in the travel journal Allegory Ridge!

Dream Connections by Alice G. Waldert Tattoos, fires, faded memories, betrayal. "Dream Connections" is a true story about a couple who discover their past lives in China. Their future becomes intertwined but the hero of the story identifies who is the most faithful to their true sense of self.

Alice G. Waldert holds an M.A. in Canadian Studies and is currently a candidate for an MFA at Manhattanville College. In the true spirit of Carl Jung, she loves dream studies, dream analysis, dream journaling, and most of all when her dreams have multiple layers of meaning and are precognitive. Most days, following meditation, she spends 3-6 hours at her desk, writing for as long as possible, in a small, cozy study filled with books and art collected while working for the United Nations in Africa, Italy, and New York. She is a poet, short story writer, and memoirist. She is currently completing her memoir about her early childhood in a foster home, where she first became aware of having prophetic dreams and insights beyond her age and every day consciousness. She has lived for the past fourteen years in Westchester County, New York. She divides her time between her husband, their three children, and teaching writing at the local community college. When asked about what motivates her to write: “I write because it helps me to understand my experiences and the world around me, and share all the consistencies and contradictions that keep me both engaged and fascinated with how the mind functions.”


Mist at Twilight by Brian Burt Nothing terrifies neuroscientist Tammy Bryant more than the cruel advance of Alzheimer's, especially as she watches helplessly while the illness devours her father. She pours all her energy into an experimental treatment that might reverse his slow descent into oblivion… or might just kill him faster.

Brian Burt writes both short and novel-length speculative fiction. He has published more than twenty science fiction and fantasy stories in various magazines and anthologies. His short story "The Last Indian War" won the Writers of the Future Gold Award and was anthologized in Writers of the Future Volume VIII. His debut novel, Aquarius Rising Book 1: In the Tears of God, won EPIC’s 2014 eBook Award for Science Fiction. Aquarius Rising Book 2: Blood Tide won the Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal for Science Fiction in 2016. Brian works as a cybersecurity engineer and lives with his wife, three sons, a mongrel puppy, and an adopted stray cat in idyllic Southwest Michigan. The cat, in particular, remains unimpressed with his literary efforts unless they come with tuna.

Barely Human by Patrick Borosky A teddy bear and a small girl have an unusual meeting. Each can only bear to see the other suffer so much before they must act.

Patrick Borosky Ah, the crisis of explaining Patrick Borosky’s story of his emergence into the world of writing. His first career in the world involves working with the latest high tech equipment to ensure that the denizens of this world can sleep at night. Honestly, he loves his job, yet on one fateful project where he had nothing to do and boredom threatened to consume him, he thought to himself: “I guess I’ll try writing a book then.” He recently self-published an ebook on Amazon titled “The World of Ato.” At the creation of this story, As for other short story publications, there is “Barely Human” published by The Flying Ketchup Press and “Dancing Colors” published by Curating Alexandria in May 2019. He may even have a secret love story that he’s working on. He loves to hear back from his readers good or bad. After all, how can he get better without any constructive criticism? Enjoy getting lost in his worlds!

Tangled Tale of a Walk in the Wood by Kēvin Callahan John Morgan, tech expert, suddenly feel oddly compelled to go on a vacation out west and take a long walk in the woods. He's even more concerned when he discovered the old walking stick he picks up along the way, seems to be pulling him in a specific direction.

Kēvin Callahan has a BFA from Drake University, post-grad work at San Francisco Art Institute, Larry Abramson, The Ox-Bow School, Art Institute Chicago, and Phil Hanson/Michelle Grabner. His award-winning artwork hangs in collections throughout the United States, and in Canada, Europe, and Israel. After a career in graphic design, he has published a novel and two short story collections, plus numerous poems often in conjunction with his art. He is the author of several books of short memoir and poetry and art director of Flying Ketchup Press.

Book Design by Kēvin Callahan.

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