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Abby Bland of Poetry Slam on Live Radio Show, Call for Art & Poetry

Nathanael Quezada

Ketchupedia Poetry Radio

Poet and organizer Abby Bland will be featured today on the Ketchupedia Poetry Radio at 6 PM CST. Listen live to hear her discuss the Kansas City Poetry Slam and the Poetic Underground Open Mic, both events in Kansas City celebrating and supporting its poetry scene. All previous episodes can be found on Spreaker.

Abby Bland (she/her) lives and writes in Kansas City. She has a B.A. in English from William Jewell College and is the Program Director for the Kansas City Poetry Slam and Poetic Underground Open Mic. Her work has appeared in Gyroscope Review, Ghost City Review, What Are Birds? and elsewhere. Her chapbook The Odds Against a Starry Cosmos was recently published with Perennial Press. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter @applestoabby.

This week! One of our Poetry Editors Beth Gulley interviews Dan Krause, a Kansas writer who has written a story a day for over five years. He's published a science fiction novel entitled 'Winfield and Roberts' through Alien Buddha Press as well as a short story collection with fellow-writer Jeremy Gulley called, 'Four Years.'

"You Are My Sunshine" Contest

"You Are My Sunshine" Call for Art and Poetry ends this month.

Share your art and poetry, the sweetness of what lights your life, your love, your passions, your happiness, your art, your everything. That sense of soulfulness, that long time love. Whether it's metaphorical, the flight of a soul, or the migration of your poetic journey; whether it makes us catch our breath or read it again and again, we want to hear from you. The most lifting poems will be published in our 2022 anthology with beautiful artwork.


Flying Ketchup Press ® grassroots and artist-run, we are a trademarked small press in Kansas City using traditional and hybrid publishing formats established to develop new and diverse voices in poetry and short story. Our dream is to salvage lost treasure troves of written and illustrated work-- to create worlds of wonder and delight; to share stories.

Maybe yours.

Make friends with your inner editor. Just a dash.


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