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What's Your Story Morning Glory?

Dr. Alice R. Hixson

What’s Your Story Morning Glory?

Get to know Dr. Alice Hixson, Director of our Marketing Team

One day in April I sat at the kitchen table under a painting of a flying ketchup bottle and listened to my daughter/artist/founder/CEO of New Thing Art Studio talk about publishing books, and not just her books, or my books, or our family's books-- but a lot of people's books! Until now, I've been named only as the Director of Opportunities at New Thing Art Studio. It means I mostly drank coffee and encouraged us to keep sight of our strategic goals. Well that's just plain sticking to it. I heard a retired Brigadier General once say he "mostly drank coffee and bossed people around." I have told a hundred people if I've told one person that bossing people around and drinking coffee is my job, but it’s become more than that. Now that I'm the Marketing Director for Flying Ketchup Press LLC, I see our vision really taking flight.

Now I've been part of one family business or other since I was in high school. I taught piano lessons to pay for my voice lessons. I taught voice to do other things like buy a grand piano. I’ve founded businesses that sold books, T shirts, fine art and now… well when she said publishing, I said…yeah!

Why would someone who has retired from teaching and teaching teachers want to tangle with a small business? I could retire I guess, but l like to go against the flow, but I'm also inspired by my friends. They do amazing things. One of them rode a 39 mile bike trip this week and then played pickle ball. One of them took a Greyhound bus to the midwest to buy a sports car then got in and drove it right back to Atlanta. They’ve led exemplary lives of service, but they keep on giving. My friend, Robert Glor, leads Our Song Atlanta not just in Atlanta but all over the world. My friends at the Education department at the Department of Defense help children in active duty military families. They teach, lead, serve, and provide a touchpoint for kids whose parents are serving us. My friend from The Atlanta Dream Dachshund Rescue helped me find my dog Wheatley and inspired me with their kindness when I needed a friend the most. I have so many stories to tell and so do you! I think it's time to get started.

Here in Kansas City we've got people who never stop doing things. Shouldn't their stories be told? For example, I've served on the board with the amazing Mr. Ah’Lee Robinson at Kansas City Boys Choir and Girls Choir. Mr. Ah'Lee changes kids lives in Kansas City kids, and has been for more than 20 years. His story is unbeatable. Debbie Kirschner spends every single weekend at helping lost pets find a home through Ray of Hope Animal Shelter. She has inspired me to finish my very own series of books about Wheatley the dog. So many of us are gifted, generous and excellent but hardly anyone knows these amazing journeys of transformation. No I don't have time to sit around. These stories are epic and it's time to publish them. That's why our motto here coined by our very own tech guy, Jay, is "Epic Acceleration!"

A quote I read this week was: “You can’t have an epic life with a basic mindset.” No you can’t. This post was shared by my friend Walter MacKenzie. He has written multiple books for educators, but his job more than just helping teachers. He’s a the Director of Constituent Services at ASCD—the educational leadership organization in Alexandria VA. He helps educators all over the country come together to be stronger and better at what they do for students. Friends like Walter, inspire me to think outside the box and then get out of the box. We are stronger together, and the best is yet to come.

At the Flying Ketchup Press we are about business as usual, we are about epic acceleration; making up for lost time. We believe there are stories to be told. That people who play pickle ball, sing, paint, teach, serve, and even those who drink coffee and boss people around might have a life changing story. What’s yours?

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